Writing of a bimonthly newsletter on topics with strategic interest in the field of space and earth Observation for the European Union.
Every two months, subscribers receive a 30-page newsletter addressing the main space information of the past 2 months completed by expert insights about a chosen theme.


Within the framework of the Copernicus Service in support of the European Union's external actions (Copernicus SEA), the European Union Satellite Centre produces a bimonthly newsletter (free of charge via subscription here). Geo212, in partnership with Space Applications Services, participates in the editorial process.

Project description

With its experience in technology watch, Geo212 has produced throughout the year 2021, summaries of main pace information (launch, policy, etc.) dealing with topics as diverse as the Geopolitics of Climate Change, Space 4.0, Security & Health, Artificial Intelligence or access to raw materials. Each report contains news from the main space players in relation to the theme of the issue, enriched with expert opinions related to research, European policies, upstream and downstream services in the space production chain, and technology.